A Bridal Boutique in the heart of Hamilton. Bringing you a carefully curated collection with a focus on Canadian designers, inclusive to all with classic beauty in mind.




  • Justin Alexander Signature - May 10-18

  • Calla Blanche- date release soon


We receive gowns directly from the designer, usually from their upcoming line that isn’t in stores yet. It’s a great opportunity to see and try the gowns first and we always give 10% off of any trunk show gowns purchased.

Chantilly is a vibe - follow our story on Instagram.


Built with hospitality in mind.

What’s important to us? Family, community and kindness. We’ve included nods to all of this within our space; from murals done by a local artist (depicting some of Hamilton’s most incredible birds), items made from family members, fitting rooms named after nieces, dresses named after family and pieces of the building’s history throughout. We can’t wait to see you in a beautiful dress in our unique space!


Join us for an appointment and receive an experience you’ll never forget.